May request this permission foreign investing the minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars (B / .300,000.00) in real estate or fixed term deposit or a combination of both and show that funds from abroad. In case of including dependents must prove solvency additional two thousand dollars (B / 2,000.00) each.

Financial solvency by opening fixed deposit:


  • Power and Application (notarized and with their respective revenue stamps);
  • Three (3) photographs;
  • Copy of passport duly collated (Notary or authority);
  • Criminal Record Certificate;
  • Health Certificate;
  • Certified check for B / .250.00 to the National Treasury;
  • Certified check for B / 800.00 in favor of the National Immigration Service;
  • Affidavit Form Personal History;
  • Bank certificate that has aperturado a deposit account fixed term to the applicant, in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars (B / 300,000.00) or its equivalent in foreign currency and with a minimum of three (3) years, in any general license bank in the country.
  • This fixed term must be free of charge;
  • Copy of fixed-term certificate authenticated by the bank;
    Permanence for Final Order entitled to decree the above requirements will be presented with the exception of Criminal Record Certificate and checks, fee:
  • National Paz y Salvo of income in favor of the applicant.